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1917. Key to the "Russian" Revolution (978-5-4461-0485-7)

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1917. Key to the "Russian" Revolution 
Starikov N V 
Place of publication:
Moskva  (Russian Federation)
Year of publication:
Number of pages:
416, Hardcover 
EUR 35,00
Delivery time:
Deliverable within 4-6 weeks

It wasn't by chance that the Russian Empire collapsed in 1917, and nor was it the case with the Soviet Union. In both cases a powerful external force initiated Russia's falling apart using villains and fools, who completely destroyed their own country for money and attractive promises. The history of this great catastrophe still holds many mysteries, and there are much more questions than answers here. Germany, which is still blamed for it, was not more than a tool and fell a victim to its own revolution afterwards. February 1917 - this is when the Russian catastrophe of the 20th century started, and we paid too high a price to overcome the damage. However, as soon as we forgot how Russia's geopolitical enemies had destroyed our country, disintegration and chaos came back. In both cases, this force hid behind the smokescreen of an "alliance" and "universal values". And now their conceptual descendants, sufficiently sponsored from abroad, are ready to provoke a new revolution in Russia