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MPGU - Books

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6 books total.
VII Paschal'nye ctenija: Materialy Sed'moj naucno-metodiceskoj konferencii "Gumanitarnaja nauka i pravoslavnaja kul'tura. Moskva: MPGU, 2010. 357 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-904729-07-3
EUR 20,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
Ucitel' russkoj slovesnosti: Sbornik konspektov urokov i metodiceskich obosnovanij k nim. Vypusk IX. Moskva: MPGU, 2010. 178 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-904-729-06-6
EUR 19,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
Lucšaja vuzovskaja lekcija. Vypusk VI. Moskva: MPGU, 2010. 140 S., Softcover (Akademiceskaja filologija: Literaturovedenie. Lingvistika). ISBN 978-5-904729-11-0
EUR 19,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Naucno-tvorceskie raboty diplomantov i laureatov IX Vserossijskogo studenceskogo festivalja "Ucitel' russkoj slovesnosti. Moskva: MPGU, 2010. 152 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-904729-09-7
EUR 19,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Naucnye trudy molodych ucenych-filologov. Vypusk IX. Moskva: MPGU, 2010. 494 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-904729-08-0
EUR 25,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Avdošin V.
Dnevnik trechletnego ili Novoartamonovo: povest v rasskazach. / Avdošin V.: MPGU, 2018. 104 S., Softcover (S-P). ISBN 978-5-94845-283-8
EUR 21,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)