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New release list: 121303

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8 books total.
No image. Florian Illies
"1913. Leto celogo veka, per. s nem. Sergeja Taškenova / Florian Illies. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 272 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-91103-165-7
EUR 25,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Džonatan Littell
Chomskie tetradi. Zapiski o sirijskoj vojne, per. s fr. N. Česnokovoj / Džonatan Littell. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 248 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-91103-161-9
EUR 22,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Sjuzen Sontag
Smotrim na čužie stradanija, per. s angl. Viktora Golyševa / Sjuzen Sontag. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 96 S., Softcover (Sovmestnaja izdatelskaja programma s CSK "Garaž). ISBN 978-5-91103-170-1
EUR 20,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Rolan Bart
Raboty o teatre, Sostavlenie, perevod s fr. i posleslovie M. Zerčaninovoj / Rolan Bart. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 176 S., Softcover (Sovmestnaja izdatelskaja programma s CSK "Garaž). ISBN 978-5-91103-168-8
EUR 22,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Kristian Kracht
Imperija, per. s nem. Danily Lipatova pod redakciej Tatjany Baskakovoj / Kristian Kracht. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 304 S. ISBN 978-5-91103-156-5
EUR 25,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Štefan George
Algabal, per s nem. / Štefan George. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 144 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-91103-163-3
EUR 22,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Jozef Rot
Berlin i okrestnosti. Sostavlenie i perevod s nem. - M. Rudnickij / Jozef Rot. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 240 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-91103-164-0
EUR 23,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Viktor Tupicyn
Krug obščenija / Viktor Tupicyn. Moskva: Ad Marginem, 2013. 288 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-91103-140-4
EUR 26,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)