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New release list: 110310

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105 books total.
No image. Pelevin, Viktor
Svjašcennaja kniga oborotnja / Viktor Pelevin. Moskva: Éksmo, 2011. 284 S., Hardcover (Knigi Viktora Pelevina). ISBN 978-5-699-16962-7
EUR 24,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Kisel'gof, Irina
Žuravlik po nebu letit / Irina Kisel'gof. Moskva: Éksmo, 2011. 220 S., Hardcover (Krasavica i cudovišce. Proza Iriny Kisel'gof). ISBN 978-5-699-48016-6
EUR 18,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Perumov, Nik
Sem' Zverej Rajlega. Tërn / Nik Perumov. Moskva: Éksmo, 2011. 480 S., Hardcover (Nik Perumov). ISBN 978-5-699-21808-0
EUR 22,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Nikitin, Jurij
Istrebivšij magiju / Jurij Nikitin. Moskva: Éksmo, 2011. 448 S., Hardcover (Nikitin). ISBN 978-5-699-40078-2
EUR 20,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Djacenko, Marina, Djacenko, Sergej
Oderžimaja / Marina, Djacenko, Sergej Djacenko. Moskva: Éksmo, 2011. 480 S., Hardcover (Strela Vremeni: fantastika - al'ternativnaja istorija). ISBN 978-5-699-47890-2
EUR 21,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Andreeva, Natal'ja
Obmani menja nežno + Tri stupen'ki v nebo. [komplekt iz 2 kn] / Natal'ja Andreeva. Moskva: Éksmo, 2011. 704 S., Hardcover (Detektiv-zagadka. Romany N. Andreevoj). ISBN 978-5-699-48575-8
EUR 19,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)