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Levša - Books

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9 books total.
No image. Pileckaja, T.
Da, u vsech sud'by raznye ili biograficeskie éskizy / T. Pileckaja. Sankt-Peterburg: Levša, 2010. 236 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356-091-3
EUR 28,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Belinskij, A.
Osennee tango (ironiceskaja proza) / A. Belinskij. Sankt-Peterburg: Levša, 2011. 224 S., Softcover ISBN 978-5-93356-119-4
EUR 28,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
Gurevic, B.
Korifei šachmat bez retuši i grima / B. Gurevic: Levša, 2011. 416 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356-117-0
EUR 32,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
Razumovskaja, L.
Russkij ostatok: Roman / L. Razumovskaja. Sankt-Peterburg: Levša, 2012. 592 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356-116-3
EUR 36,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Belinskij, A.
Skazki XXI veka / A. Belinskij. Sankt-Peterburg: Levša, 2013. 192 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356-126-2
EUR 36,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Rachlin L.
Sprava nalevo / Rachlin L.. Sankt-Peterburg: Levša, 2013. 240 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356-137-8
EUR 38,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Levitin A.
Portret chudožnika na fone ėpochi / Levitin A.: Levša, 2014. 424 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356148-4
EUR 69,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Fersman A.
Zanimatelnaja mineralogija / Fersman A.: Levša, 2014. 240 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356-155-2
EUR 34,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)
No image. Fersman A.
Rasskazy o samocvetach / Fersman A.: Levša, 2014. 264 S., Hardcover ISBN 978-5-93356-154-5
EUR 34,00 (Deliverable within 4-6 weeks)